Swing Town Site Review 2022 6
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Be2 Site Review 3

Be2 is widely regarded as one of the most successful international dating websites for those seeking genuine and long-term commitment. They made their debut fifteen years ago, and in the time since then, they have provided services to in excess of sixteen million customers all around the world. The market for this company is growing at a steady rate, and every day 20,000 new customers sign up in the hopes of discovering their perfect match.

In order to fulfill its mission of assisting individuals in the process of finding love, this website employs 225 workers in 11 locations across the globe. They use a model based on scientific study to determine whether or not two people are compatible based on social, psychological, and anthropological variables.

How many different languages are supported by Be2?

Due to the fact that Spanish is the site’s official language, it is utilized in thirty of the continent’s countries where the Spanish language is the native tongue. When a visitor who speaks a language other than German accesses the website, that visitor will have the option of having the content translated into German.

Who holds the ownership of Be2?

This online dating service is owned by businesspeople Robert Wuttke and Andreas Etten, and the Be2 website company is responsible for its operation.

So, where exactly is Be2’s headquarters now?

This organization can be found in the country of Luxembourg in Europe.

When Was Be2 Founded?

This German corporation established its European headquarters in April of 2004.

Is Be2 Available in All Regions of the World?

During these past 15 years, they have expanded their presence to around 38 different nations, matching thousands of individuals.


This website offers the best specialized functions available, which ensures that users will receive great service.


Messaging is one of the ways in which users have the opportunity to communicate with other members of the community. You will not have any other options available to you while using the website.

Quest Essentials

This website, like many others, allows users to search using a variety of criteria, including their sexual orientation, gender, age, and geography. Because of this, additional filters have been included in the Be2 reviews to ensure that you are able to select the ideal match for you.


You will be able to view the information about your contacts on this website, allowing you to verify their personality and determine if you are suitable with them.


In addition to displaying a substantial quantity of information, each profile is of the highest possible quality. You may view the images, and under “About Me,” you’ll find a condensed description written by the same individual that covers everything about his personality that relates to his public persona. You are need to have a registration if you like to access the profiles that are of interest to you.

This procedure is quite easy to follow and will not take up a lot of your time; nevertheless, you will need to share certain information with us, including the following:

  • Names.
  • Age.
  • Specifics on the outward look.
  • Education.
  • Habits
  • Sexual preference
  • Sex.
  • Location.
  • Religion.

You are required to register for the next level, despite the fact that registration is completely free and enables you to establish a profile that contains all of your information. In this scenario, they are referring to a long-term partnership; in order to view images, write and receive messages, and keep your paid membership current, you will be required to make a financial commitment to the partnership. You will also have the ability to add a member to your roster and select that individual as a favorite within the Be2 review.


This website is estimated to have at least 20,000 thousand registered users, as stated by industry professionals and reputable sources. They conducted an investigation and discovered that 54% of women and 46% of males are looking for a partner. This difference was due to the fact that more women are searching for a spouse. Both men and women, starting at an age as young as 18, look for the person who will become their ideal companion.

Whether they are male or female, those between the ages of 18 and 24 are the youngest people who are looking for relationships. Also, from 25 to 34 years old, as well as persons older than 45 to 55 years old, who are those who are searching for a relationship that is more solid and long-lasting. Be2 is designed to accommodate a large number of people, and regardless of your age, they guarantee that you will meet the person of your dreams on the site.

Fakes And Scammers

The experts agree that the likelihood of a site such as this being falsified is extremely remote due to the fact that its system maintains a high level of surveillance on its users. You even have the ability to block dishonest people who solely want to swindle other users and fake their accounts. This makes it easier to identify dishonest people.


You will discover in the evaluation of Be2 that it is attainable in the form of both an application and a website, and that it may be downloaded onto your portable electronic gadget. The majority of consumers feel that having the app gives them a sense of security, makes them feel more at ease, and gives them the ability to use it from any location.

Be2 App

You shouldn’t have any trouble downloading the app for this dating service from either the App Store or the Google Play Store; in fact, doing so is completely free of charge.

In addition to the fact that it functions in an optimal and efficient manner, it also affords you the advantage of being able to connect from any location in the world. It has straightforward qualities, such as the need that users register by providing an email address and a phone number. You won’t be able to download it unless you have a high-end smartphone like an iPhone, Android, or one of many others.

Be2 Website

Because of its capacity and the way it is designed on its platform, this website has been successful in bringing together thousands of couples all over the world. You can have wonderful discussions by using either your mobile phone or a computer. Both of these options are available to you. The website is of high quality, and once you have registered, you will have the added benefit of being able to view the photographs along with a description of each one.

Is There Any Way That I Can Use The App On My Computer?

You can login using your personal computer, and once you do so, you’ll have the ability to view everything, including images, in a more comfortable format. You will have the option to connect using your computer rather than your phone if you do not wish to connect using your phone for whatever reason.

Which Web browsers are compatible with Be2?

This Be2 website is currently compatible with Google Chrome. However, you are not need to connect from a certain browser in order to use it. If you want to connect through a different browser, you won’t run into any difficulties doing so.

Why am I having such a difficult time logging onto the website?

It’s possible that there’s an issue with your device or computer; please try entering the contest again after restarting it. There is also the possibility that you are not entering any data correctly or that there are issues with the connection to your internet service provider. You should try to connect to your account after verifying some of these issues, and if you continue to experience issues, you should contact the website’s technical assistance.


You will be guided through the process in a clear and concise manner, making this an outstanding method for navigating our website. The following categories are used to classify the interface:

  • Log in.
  • Messenger service.
  • Likes
  • Find someone to contact.
  • Configuration of the account.

When you sign up, you will realize that this website is of the highest possible quality and that it will provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Registration Process

They discuss this technique in the Be2 reviews; nonetheless, in this section, they will describe how you can carry out the procedure. You must put all of your data, as they mentioned it above, including your name, age, gender, education, religion, habit, and so on. It is pretty simple to do, and as you are aware, it will not take up a lot of your time. You will still be able to enter the website regardless of the sexual orientation you identify with most strongly.

You are required to create a username that is checked by the system, and once that is complete, you are required to take a personality test. Because no other website offers the benefit that this one does while doing tests, thousands of people consistently choose to use it instead of those other options. During this examination, they will examine you on a variety of topics, including your perspectives, the circumstances you find yourself in, your personality, and more.

You will also be asked questions regarding your ideal spouse, and it is important that you answer these questions honestly and clearly. You will be provided with a scale ranging from 1 to 5, and depending on the results, they will send you an email including the relevant pairing recommendations. You will come to realize that you have a better chance of finding a spouse in a shorter amount of time than you currently believe you do.

You can register for Be2 using a variety of different methods, including your email address or social networks like Facebook. You are well aware that the registration form asks you to declare your gender as well as the gender of the person you are looking for in the fields that you must fill out. Finally, in order to ensure complete safety, please enter your email address and a password of your choosing.

The website will not be required to send a code to either your phone or your email address because you will not need it.

Is It Possible To Stop Matching With A Be2 Member?

The correct response is “yes.” However, you are obligated to provide an explanation for why you want to remove that individual from your contacts list.

What is the minimum age requirement to sign up for Be2?

It is required that users be at least 18 years old in order to use this website and participate in the membership.

In What Ways Am I Able to Validate My Account?

After you have submitted your information through this website, the organization will immediately verify the facts that you have supplied. Because of this, you are required to enter all of your data in order to avoid any difficulties in the future.

How do I confirm my email address?

It is this individual who will validate your email address in order to ensure that your data is kept in a safe and secure environment when you register an account on the Be2 website. They are required to carry out this form of verification in order to dispel any and all kinds of suspicions. For some time now, there have been individuals who have posted phony emails; nevertheless, the technology that is used on this website is so effective that it does not permit these individuals to create an account.

What Will Happen If I Sign Up With My Facebook Account Instead?

What can happen is that the website will have more confirmation that the information you provided when registration is accurate and that the Facebook site you use is genuine.

Is It Necessary For Me To Sign Up To Use The Site?

You are required to register on the website since, if you do not, you will not have access to any profiles on the site.


Make a profile for yourself and fill it out with all of your information; you can include a photo, date of birth, profession, and other details. Keep in mind that all of the data that you input must be accurate, and that you can easily change your profile by going into the settings for your account.

I accidentally uploaded a photo that I want to delete. Is it possible in Be2?

You can delete the photo you wish to get rid of by logging into your account and going to the edit profile section.

How do I make changes to my Be2 user name?

You will find the menu and the options for your account at the very top; you may modify the username from within those settings. In order for you to make use of your account on this Be2 website, the system requires that you provide a name that satisfies certain criteria.

Is Deleting Your Be2 Profile An Option That’s Available To You?

You can easily delete your account by following these easy steps: navigate to your profile; navigate to your account settings; click on “Profile Status”; once you are there, select “Edit Change”; once you are there, you will see how you get the option to “Delete profile”; and finally, once you click “Delete profile,” your account will be deleted.

What Repercussions Will There Be If I Disable The Option To “Show Me On Be2”?

By selecting this option, you will be able to navigate through the accounts of your contacts without revealing your true identity. Because it is not possible for them to determine whether or not you have viewed your profile, you are free to do so whenever you like.

I accidentally submitted some information to Be2, but I’d like to delete it. Is that possible?

You can erase all of the information you have submitted to the website by accessing the settings for your profile.

Member Search

You won’t run into any problems when you’re looking for a member on your account because you’ll be able to easily peruse the profiles and become familiar with the information. If you wish to take a connection to the next level, you will have the choice to switch to a Premium membership, and as a result, you will have access to extra filter options. In addition to this, you will have the opportunity to send and receive messages from the individual who has caught your attention.

Is It Possible To View The Members Of Be2 Whom I Have Appreciated?

You are able to view the profiles of other users, but keep in mind that in order to do so, you will first need to register on this website. In the event that you wish to go. Additionally, you are required to bring your paid membership up to date.

What are the various possibilities available through Be2 Search?

Because it provides such high-quality search choices, this venue is perfect for you if you are looking for the person who will fulfill all of your expectations in a romantic relationship. If someone catches your eye, you should check out their profile so you can learn more about their personal life and decide if you are interested in pursuing a relationship with them. There are hundreds of men and women who are now single and looking for a date, new friends, or maybe a long-term committed commitment.

Explore their profiles, get recommendations from other users, and see how well you match up with other people—the ones with the highest percentages appear first. If you are on the primary list that the search engine displays, you have an increased likelihood of finding a mate or receiving messages from other users.

If you are a free member of Be2, is it possible to see if someone else likes you on the platform?

This is not something that can be done in the Be2 reviews; if a member does not have a Premium membership, then they will not be able to see who has liked their profile.


As long as you have a Premium membership, you will be able to contact with other users of the website using the message system.

How do you begin a conversation with someone you’ve met on Be2?

This platform provides you with a messaging approach; you are able to discuss any and all worries or send instant messages to ensure the other person is aware of your interest in them. However, you will need to refresh your subscription in order to engage in chat with another user.

How do I send a message to another person?

On this service, you are able to register without cost, examine other users’ profiles, and get recommendations of people who are a good match for you. It is required that you have a Premium membership in order for you to be able to speak with other users.

Is Sending Messages Free?

It has been previously explained to you that in order to use the messaging feature of the Be2 website, you will need to subscribe to a paid membership.

How do I view the Be2 users who have messaged me?

When you upgrade to Premium membership, you will see two new tabs in your account: “Contact Proposal” and “Messaging.” These tabs will display some red dots, which are the indicators that you have a message waiting for you from another user.

What are the steps to using the camera on Be2?

You will have the option to connect through video call, and you will be able to carry out these communications using your mobile device.

How can I restrict the users who are able to message me on Be2?

You have the option of blocking a member of the website’s community from communicating with you by using the symbol located in the menu bar. You will then be presented with the choice to block; simply select it, and that will be that.

The Cost of Membership and Any Other Available Payment Options

There is a wide range of costs available to you on Be2 due to the fact that the cost is determined by the plan that you choose to purchase; the following is a list of the available plans:

  • The cost for one month is 55.83 USD.
  • 167.28 USD for a period of six months.
  • One year costs a total of $250.71 USD.

Complimentary Benefits of Membership

  • Register.
  • Create a profile.
  • Upload some pictures.
  • Check out the daily suggestions for compatibility.
  • Browse the profiles of other registered users.

Features Exclusive to Paid Memberships

  • You will have access to image galleries to look through.
  • Include new people on your list of preferred contacts.
  • You can read messages, as well as send and receive them.
  • Put user photos up for votes.
  • View the list of people who have visited your profile.

Does Be2 Provide Premium Memberships for Its Customers?

The Be2 review provides you with a reputable website where you can sign up without charge, read the profiles of people who share your interests, and other features. In addition to that, it provides a premium membership service that will help you locate the person who best suits your needs and take your life to the next level. You have the option of paying for the subscription using a credit or debit card, PayPal, or by transferring money from your bank account.

What Are the Steps to Cancel My Be2 Membership?

Please navigate to the billing options section of your profile in order to cancel your membership on the dating website at your earliest convenience if you have changed your mind about keeping it. There will be a link there that says “Cancel Membership,” and if you want to be sure that your membership is truly terminated, you should send an email to the firm explaining why you are doing so.

Does Your Be2 Membership Get Renewed Automatically?

Your subscription will be renewed on an ongoing basis automatically; however, if you decide to deactivate your account, this process will stop.

Can I Get a Refund for Time That I Didn’t Use?

If you read the terms and conditions of the website, you will discover that they do not offer any compensation in the event that you decide to close your account.

Is “Support” for my Be2 account going to be automatically renewed each month?

If you do not wish to cancel the renewal of your support before the terms have been fulfilled, the website can automatically renew your support.

I am not happy with how the Be2 turned out. Is It Possible That You Will Refund Me?

In the Be2 reviews, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback regarding aspects of the website that you do not like, which will then be used by the professionals to enhance the site. However, according to the terms and regulations of the dating website, there are no refunds available.

When I get my credit card statement, how will the charge for my Be2 Support appear?

Your credit card will be charged for an application purchase in addition to the Premium membership fee when you pay with that card.

Is It Possible For Me To Help Out Other Be2 Members?

This website does not currently provide its members with the opportunity to use this alternative at this time.

Is It Possible To Provide Support For Just One Month?

It is forbidden for this website to send any kind of help for either one month or a shorter period of time.

Is Be2 Really Risk-Free to Use?

This dating industry is one of the greatest anywhere, and because of the way its user interface is designed, it is currently in first place. Because of this, they administer a personality test to ensure that you will meet the proper person for you at some point in your life. This service is guaranteed to be 100% safe and reliable.


Your privacy must always be protected when you are using the Be2 website, which is why they use the most advanced technology available to do so. They have access to the best service available from protection centers that are known all over the world: personal data, photographs, and more. They will continue to be protected, and you will be the only person who can determine who else will be able to view it.

Are Conversations in Be2 Encrypted?

It is vital for the firm to go through this process so that they can give the highest possible level of protection for your appointment account.

Are you able to be located by Be2?

Once you have enrolled on the dating service, the website will keep track of your whereabouts.

Is It Possible For The Police To Track Down Be2?

As of right now, the police have not been required to intervene for any annoyance caused by the website because they offer the highest possible level of protection for you. In the event of a crisis, the authorities in your nation could step in and conduct an exhaustive investigation after receiving a complaint.

Who should I talk to if I have concerns or questions about the level of privacy I have in Be2?

You may get in touch with the Be2 website’s technical support team whenever you have a question, as they are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can choose to communicate with us via email or by calling one of the provided numbers.


It is a website that has the best features to provide all users with a really secure site, and it does this by having those qualities. Each and every one of the messages that you send to another member will be encrypted from beginning to end when they are sent through its design, which was designed with care and efficiency.

Are Posts in the Threads of the Be2 Forums Moderated?

They do not have discussion forums on this platform; nonetheless, language must be kept civil in all of the conversations that take place on this platform.

What will happen to a member if they send a money transfer request using their Be2 account?

The platform’s security mechanism will immediately eliminate this method for those users who desire to utilize it as a technique to get money. Please be aware that this website is only for the purpose of dating and should not be used to solicit financial assistance.

Blocked User Account

You are required to comply with the terms and conditions of this website in order to use any of the accounts that are offered.

Why Am I Not Able to Access Be2?

In the event that you are unable to access your account, it is possible that the website is displaying problems, or it is also possible that you are entering the data wrong. First ensure that you are connected to the internet, then re-log in.

How Long Do Bans From Be2 Last?

Once the website has banned your account, you will not be allowed to use it ever again and the bans are permanent because of this.

How do I get access to my account again after it was banned?

After the platform has banned your account, you won’t have the option to revive it under any circumstances.

Take care of yourself!

Participants in the Be2 review are required to make a commitment to maintaining their privacy, and all of your information will be kept secret from any outside parties.

How do I report a possible scammer and block them at the same time?

You have the ability to report and block any member who is causing you any trouble by going to their profile and clicking the “Report” button.

What Kinds of Information Should You Avoid Posting on Your Be2 Account?

You should not divulge any information, including the specific address of your place of residence, the location of your place of employment, or your salary. Additionally, full names, identities, and their phone numbers should not be included.


You are aware that this website offers technical support in the event that you experience any difficulties.


“After coming to the conclusion that I would never again find the one true love of my life, a buddy suggested that I sign up for this dating service. After I had completed the registration process and paid for my membership, she was already there waiting for me, and we had a lot of conversation about both of our lives. I had the feeling that I was falling in love, and after we went on a date, I was able to determine for certain that I was in love with her.

Be2 made it possible for me to meet the woman who would become the love of my life, and even now, after four years of being together, we are still very much in love with each other.

“Despite my age, I took the risk of registering on this website in the hopes of finding someone who shared my preferences. Today I am able to affirm that I have made the right connection with the individual with whom I would like to share enjoyable days, a cup of coffee, and stories. This person and I love our discussions more thoroughly as time goes on, and it’s all because to this site, which is both pleasant and reliable. “

Is the Dating App or Website Be2 the Best Option?

This platform is widely acknowledged as being among the very best; it is utilized in a great number of nations, and tens of thousands of users have been successful in establishing its reliability and credibility. Additionally, the Be2 website is the finest because of the following four crucial factors:

  • The only website that offers a Personality Test is this one.
  • They are a reflection of the best possible results.
  • You have access to the first line of customer service.
  • This website makes protecting your personal information a top priority.

Is Be2 Safe?

The people that built this website are positive that it is among the most trustworthy and secure that you can find online.

Is There A Hookup App Called Be2?

In order to access your online dating account, you will need to be connected to the internet.

Is Be2 Free?

The registration process for your brand-new dating account is completely free. In order for you to keep making use of the service, you will need to keep your membership current.

How exactly does Be2 do its job?

It functions faultlessly, and even better, because they have the best features, which allow you to surf the site and meet new people.

Are There Fake Or Scam Members On Be2?

In the course of the Be2 reviews, they were able to verify that a system of superior quality is in charge of the records. This means that if a user creates a fraudulent account while signing up for the dating service, the account will be removed immediately.


Singles.co.uk, Badoo, and Blackcupid are three excellent dating websites that could serve as a viable alternative for you. These websites are of a high standard and would be an excellent choice for a date.


Be2 is an excellent and risk-free website where you can find the person of your dreams who is looking to spend the rest of their life with you. Every day, thousands of people sign up, and they are able to take advantage of access that is both superior and appealing, thanks to an exceptional layout. You will not be subject to any limits whatsoever while you browse; in addition, you will have access to membership plans and enhanced security for your data.

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